This section is dedicated to all of you, who were at one time assigned to
31 Division.
This production would not have been possible if it were not for two people...
Frank Craddock, who hails from the Hold-Up Squad all while performing his duties, spent a lot of time at 31 Division. Recently Frank approached the Alumni with two huge binders containing the pages from the RETIREMENTS section of the News & Views and the more recent Tour of Duty magazines dating back many years. We were invited to make use of the books in any way we wished.
The result is the production of these pages to salute all of you. Some are no longer with us and some pictures will find their way onto the odd dartboard. Regardless, somehow we all got along and this will bring back good memories of some faces we had forgotten.
Many thanks, Frank.
The second person we wish to recognize is Art Gibbs. Art painstakingly wrote his own personal thoughts of those retiring each month. How could anyone match Art’s penmanship?
Thank you, Art. “We shared good fellowship too.”
Note: We apologize but some of the narratives that accompany the photos have an edge cut off on the left side. This happened inadvertently when the photocopies were made.